Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sno' Mo

Holiday greetings from Milo, the official face of Animal News of the World! You may be tired of shovelling and driving in treacherous conditions -- and that goes for our friends in Europe, too! -- but Milo would like to remind you of how wonderful the white stuff can be. Apparently, you must stick your face right into it to gain a true appreciation for it. Maybe we'll just take his bark for it. His final message to us this season? "Why don't we all just chill out for the holidays!?"


  1. I'd rather be in the flamingo
    formation of flamingoes
    than in the snow
    with Milo
    (a poem, by the hog blogger).

  2. Ha! I love your poem, Hog Blogger! Charlotte's Web taught us that pigs can read and write -- but poetry!? wow, hogs really are smart!

  3. Mo needed some reivindication after the creepy shot and he's got it! Mo is reminding us how much we all love Vanilla ice cream :)
